Lagu Superman Is Dead - Burn The Night Lyrics

Kumpulan Lirik Lagu Terbaru dan Terpopuler. Lirik Lagu Indonesia, Barat dan K-POP Mulai dari lagu lagu lama sampai lagu paling terbaru.
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Blog Media Online Lirik Lagu dari berbagai aliran musik Pop, Jazz, Dangdut, Punk, Metal, Reggae dan berbagai aliran musik lainya.Lirik lagu dari berbagai penyanyi solo sampai Grup band. Jika suka dengan Lagu Superman Is Dead - Burn The Night Lyrics Jangan lupa untuk membeli CD/Kasetnya yang Original yang asli.
Burn The Night
Lirik Lagu Superman Is Dead

The reason I run away, we’re gonna burn the night
The reason I sing this song, we’re gonna burn the night

Dress to kill, my shoes are slicknow,
Get on the bike this is the time yeaa
Speed up the game with no direction, who would understand
Welcome to life that we’ve been given,
We are the criminals of time yeaa

And with the dream that wont surrender,
Let the fire burn again in the sky
Sick of the world, the saints arefalling,
We walked the streets with gasoline

Then we find love in the dark side of life, it’s ok my friend
True to your heart, there’s nothing stronger than the bullets of your mind

Burn up the night
Burn up the night,
Tonight will bealright coz I’ve got you,
Millions of you and me

Lit up the dream, our tattooed soul will spit the night again,
In love and hatewe rise
There was a time in this littletown,
We thought the world’s gonna be ok

There was a time that we live with falling stars
There was a time in this little town,
We thought the world’s gonna just fine

And now the time is up, tonight!
The reason I run away, we’re gonnaburn the night
The reason I sing this song, we’re gonna burn the night
The reason I look like this, we’re gonna burn the night
Burn the night

I say I’ve got to go another placeanother to burn
I say I’ve got to go another place another to burn
I say I’ve got to go another place another to burn
I say I’ve got to go another place another to burn

Ditulis Oleh : Njib

Lagu Superman Is Dead - Burn The Night Lyrics Lirik Lagu diatas ini adalah sepenuhnya milik hak cipta dari pengarang, artis dan label musik yang bersangkutan. kami tidak menyediakan link download Mp3 ataupun videonya.
Jika anda suka dengan lagu ini,Silahkan beli kaset/CD original yang asli dan gunakan nada sambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya di HP anda. Terima Kasih

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