Lagu Death Cab For Cutie - Black Sun Lyrics

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Black Sun
Lirik Lagu Death Cab For Cutie

There is whiskey in the water
And there is death upon the vine
There is fear in the eyes of your father
And there is "Yours" and there is "Mine"
There is a desert veiled in pavement
And there's a city of seven hills
And all our debris flows to the ocean
To meet again, I hope it will

How could something so fair
Be so cruel
When this black sun revolved
Around you

There is an answer in a question
And there is hope within despair
And there is beauty in a failure
And there are depths beyond compare
There is a role of a lifetime
And there's a song yet to be sung
And there's a dumpster in the driveway
Of all the plans that came undone

How could something so fair
Be so cruel
When this black sun revolved
Around you
How could something so fair
Be so cruel
When this black sun revolved
Around you

There is whiskey in the water
And there is death upon the vine
And there is grace within forgiveness
But it's so hard for me to find
How could something so fair
Be so cruel
When this black sun revolved
Around you
How could something so fair
Be so cruel
When this black sun revolved
Around you

Ditulis Oleh : Njib

Lagu Death Cab For Cutie - Black Sun Lyrics Lirik Lagu diatas ini adalah sepenuhnya milik hak cipta dari pengarang, artis dan label musik yang bersangkutan. kami tidak menyediakan link download Mp3 ataupun videonya.
Jika anda suka dengan lagu ini,Silahkan beli kaset/CD original yang asli dan gunakan nada sambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya di HP anda. Terima Kasih

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