Lagu Kelly Clarkson - I Had A Dream Lyrics

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I Had A Dream
Lirik Lagu Kelly Clarkson

If you wanna lead be a leader
If you wanna dream be a dreamer
Climb to the top of that mountain and scream it
But remember when you get to the top
Everything you say is gonna matter
Everything you do is gonna add up
It's what you asked for
So don't get mad when it's not what you thought

Careful now girl with them jezebel ways
Fell on your head, you're queen of cliches
Little one playing with the big ones now
Hope you're ready when it comes back around

I had a dream that we were more
A generation to behold
Lighting fires with our words
Instead of useless smoke that blurs
The lines of hiding home
Expression that lives on
An army with a song
That lingers on and on
I had a dream

If you wanna preach be a preacher
If you wanna teach be a teacher
Remember that the footprints you're leaving will tell us all who you really are
It's too bad you can't see what you're worth
Spreading your legs instead of using your words
Character is shown by the things that we do
The one thing you're never gonna hide is the truth

'Cause anyone can sell when they're selling out
And anyone can fly when they're falling out

I had a dream that we were more
A generation to behold
Lighting fires with our words
Instead of useless smoke that blurs
The lines of hiding home
Expression that lives on
An army with a song
That lingers when we're gone
I had a dream

I had a dream
I had a dream that we were more (I had a dream that we were more)
A generation to behold (to behold)
Lighting fires with our words (lighting fires with our words)
Instead of useless smoke that blurs
The lines of riding home
Expression that lives on (lives on)
An army with a song
That lingers when we're gone (when we're gone)

I had a dream
I had a dream
I had a dream
I had a dream

Ditulis Oleh : Njib

Lagu Kelly Clarkson - I Had A Dream Lyrics Lirik Lagu diatas ini adalah sepenuhnya milik hak cipta dari pengarang, artis dan label musik yang bersangkutan. kami tidak menyediakan link download Mp3 ataupun videonya.
Jika anda suka dengan lagu ini,Silahkan beli kaset/CD original yang asli dan gunakan nada sambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya di HP anda. Terima Kasih

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