Lagu Kelly Clarkson - Second Wind Lyrics

Kumpulan Lirik Lagu Terbaru dan Terpopuler. Lirik Lagu Indonesia, Barat dan K-POP Mulai dari lagu lagu lama sampai lagu paling terbaru.
Suka dengerin musik? Pastinya kalian mempunyai penyanyi atau band favorit yang paling kalian sukai dan ingin menghapal semua lagu dari penyanyi atau band favorit kalian. Blog kumpulan lirik lagu untuk mempermudah dalam menghapal lirik lagu yang kalian sukai.
Blog Media Online Lirik Lagu dari berbagai aliran musik Pop, Jazz, Dangdut, Punk, Metal, Reggae dan berbagai aliran musik lainya.Lirik lagu dari berbagai penyanyi solo sampai Grup band. Jika suka dengan Lagu Kelly Clarkson - Second Wind Lyrics Jangan lupa untuk membeli CD/Kasetnya yang Original yang asli.
Second Wind
Lirik Lagu Kelly Clarkson

Why do we build up all these idols just to watch them fall
You're wearing the crown, talk of the town
Then no one takes your call
Yeah maybe I've been down down down down
But I always come back around round round round, yeah

You can't forget about me
While you went looking I was getting even higher
Say what you want about me
Your words are gasoline on my fire
You can hate me, underestimate me
Do what you do 'cause what you do don't faze me
Just when you think I'm at the end
Any second I'mma catch my second wind

An airplanes only paper 'til it finds a breeze
Don't you know that it's the low that makes the high so sweet
When they try to break break break you
That's when you get your break break break through

You can't forget about me
While you went looking I was getting even higher
Say what you want about me
Your words are gasoline on my fire
You can hate me, underestimate me
Do what you do 'cause what you do don't faze me
Just when you think I'm at the end
Any second I'mma catch my second wind

I've been down down down down
But I always come back around round round round, yeah

You can't forget about me
While you went looking I was getting even higher
Say what you want about me
Your words are gasoline on my fire
You can hate me, underestimate me
Do what you do 'cause what you do don't faze me
Just when you think I'm at the end
Any second I'mma catch my second wind

Ditulis Oleh : Njib

Lagu Kelly Clarkson - Second Wind Lyrics Lirik Lagu diatas ini adalah sepenuhnya milik hak cipta dari pengarang, artis dan label musik yang bersangkutan. kami tidak menyediakan link download Mp3 ataupun videonya.
Jika anda suka dengan lagu ini,Silahkan beli kaset/CD original yang asli dan gunakan nada sambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya di HP anda. Terima Kasih

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