Lagu Stone Sour - Heading Out To The Highway Lyrics

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Heading Out To The Highway
Lirik Lagu Stone Sour

Hit'em boys!
Well I've said it before, and I'll say it again
You get nothing for nothing: expect it when
You're backseat driving, and your hands ain't on the wheel
It's easy to go along with the crowd,
And find later on that your say ain't allowed
Oh that's the way to find what you've been missing

So I'm heading out to the highway
I got nothing to lose at all
I'm gonna do it my way
Take a chance before I fall
A chance before I fall!

You can hang in a left or hang in a right
The choice it is yours to do as you might
The road is open wide to place your bidding
Now, wherever you turn, wherever you go
If you get it wrong, at least you can know
There's miles and miles to put it back together!

And I'm heading out to the highway
I got nothing to lose at all
I'm gonna do it my way
Take a chance before I fall
A chance before I fall!

On the highway! On the highway!

Making a curve or taking the strain
On the decline, or ut on the wain
Oh everybody breaks down sooner or later
We'll put it to rights, we'll square up and mend.
Back on your feet to take the next bend!
You weather every storm that's coming atcha!

And I'm heading out to the highway
I got nothin' to lose at all
I'm gonna do it my way
Take a chance before I fall
Yes, I'm heading out to the highway,

I got nothing to lose at all.
I got nothing to lose at all!

Ditulis Oleh : Njib

Lagu Stone Sour - Heading Out To The Highway Lyrics Lirik Lagu diatas ini adalah sepenuhnya milik hak cipta dari pengarang, artis dan label musik yang bersangkutan. kami tidak menyediakan link download Mp3 ataupun videonya.
Jika anda suka dengan lagu ini,Silahkan beli kaset/CD original yang asli dan gunakan nada sambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya di HP anda. Terima Kasih

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